If you are worried or concerned about yourself or another individual you can contact any of the following organisations or external agencies that can offer a variety of help and advice.
The Police – telephone number 101, (in an emergency, always ring 999)
DFE – access all local authority’s webpages or phone numbers for any concerns/worries about a child
CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection website
NSPCC – National Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Childline – 0800 1111. If you are under 19 you can confidentially call, chat online or email about any problem big or small. Sign up for a free Childline locker (real name or email address not needed) to use their free 1-2-1 counsellor chat and email support service. Can provide a BSL interpreter if you are deaf or hearing-impaired. Hosts online message boards where you can share your experiences, have fun and get support from other young people in similar situations. Opening times: 9am – midnight, 365 days a year
Prevent – Derbyshire County Council: 01629 538494 or 07771 980 107
National Online Safety – Resources, guidance and Information relating to Online Safety
Parent Zone – Guidance and support for a safe digital family life
Childnet International – Online challenges and peer pressure
NHS Direct – 111
Family Lives, parent and family support organisation: 0808 800 2222
The Samaritans – 08457 90 90 90
Drinkline – A free and confidential helpline for anyone who is concerned about their own or someone else’s drinking. Tel: 0800 917 8282 (lines are open 24 hours a day)
Rehab4Addiction – A helpline for those suffering with drug and alcohol addiction. Also offering a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health and provides a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction in Derbyshire and a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK, making it easier for those in need to find help near them.
Smokefree – NHS Smoking Helpline – 0800 169 0 169
Talk to Frank – Support and advice about drugs. You can call FRANK free, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Talk to Frank: 0800 77 66 00
Bereavement – (Cruse Bereavement Care) 01332 332098 National Helpline: 0844 477 9400
Child Sexual Exploitation– Suspicion that a young person is at risk of – contact Safe and Sound 01332 362120
24 Hour Anonymous Helpline: Advice, support and options if you, or someone you love, goes missing or runs away – Text or Call 116 000
Crimestoppers UK – 0800 555 111
Young Minds -Parents guide to support mental health. 088 802 5544; M-F 9.30am to 4pm (free for mobiles and landlines). Young Minds Crisis Messenger. Provides free, 24/7 text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis. All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors. Texts are free from EE, O2, Vodafone, 3, Virgin Mobile, BT Mobile, GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile and Telecom Plus. Texts can be anonymous, but if the volunteer believes you are at immediate risk of harm, they may share your details with people who can provide support. Text: YM to 85258. Opening times: 24/7
Student Minds – A UK charity that supports student mental health
Derby and Derbyshire emotional health and well-being (Transforming health and well-being for everyone)
Free Life Online Parent Pack -Free downloadable pack of materials by Nicola Morgan to inform and empower parents on the subject of screens, smartphones and social media
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. You can text from wherever you are in the UK.
Kooth – Online counselling for young people – Free, safe and anonymous online support. The Kooth #DontDoItAloneCampaign video is available here
Papyrus – Offers confidential advice and support for young people struggling with suicidal thoughts. Its helpline service – HOPELINEUK is available to anybody under the age of 35 experiencing suicidal thoughts, or anybody concerned that a young person could be thinking of suicide. Phone: 0800 068 4141. Text: 07860039967. Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org. Opening times: 9am – midnight, 365 days a year.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) – Provides support to anyone in the UK who is feeling down and needs to talk or find information. Free webchat service available. Phone: 0800 58 58 58, Opening times: 5pm – midnight, 365 days a year.
The Mix – Offers support to anyone under 25 about anything that’s troubling them. Email support available via their online contact form. Free 1-2-1 webchat service available. Free short-term counselling service available. Phone: 0808 808 4994. Opening times: 4pm – 11pm, seven days a week
Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) have launched a local page on a ground-breaking website ‘Health for Teens’. This unique website is the first NHS website that has been created by and for young people, complementing and raising the accessibility of School Nurses. Each area presents health advice through facts, quizzes and articles. MPFT have developed a “local page” which will enable young people to find a range of services in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to support them. The local area section for young people includes local news, announcements, services, a search for a School Nurse function and locally produced articles on young people’s health. The main website features a diverse range of health topics from mental health to puberty, sexual health to bereavement. The articles, quizzes, and interactive content has been written and overseen by experts from services including school nursing, health improvement, smoking cessation, dietetics, paediatricians and mental health.
Action For Children – Offers 1:1 live chat on any parenting issues ParentTalk
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline – a safe space for anyone to discuss anything including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional wellbeing. Help people to explore the right options for themselves through support on the phone through email and instant messaging service. Phone: 0300 330 0630. Email: chris@switchboard.lgbt
Hope Again – Youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care providing advice for young people dealing with the loss of a loved one. Contact Number: 0808 808 1677
Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) – offers advice and support online and through their phone helpline for children experiencing homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or harassment. Tel: 0808 1000 143. Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm
BEAT’s Youthline – supports children and young people experiencing an eating disorder. Tel: 0808 801 0711
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families – provide a Crisis Messenger Service which is free and confidential. The text message service is available 24/7 for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. Text: AFC to 85258
Derbyshire CAMHS – 0-18 years – 6.5 miles – 0300 790 0264 – 8am-6pm Mon-Fri
Derby and Southern Derbyshire CAMHS – 0-18 years – 6.6 miles – 0300 1239164 or 01283 227077 – 9am-5pm Mon-Fri
Relate Safe Speak – 5-18years – 6.6miles – 01332 249177 – info@safespeak.org.uk – Advice; Consultation for professionals; counselling/therapy; family support; signposting; support (e.g. informal help)
YESS (Your Emotional Support Service) – 5+ – 01889 567756 – Advice; Consultation for professionals; counselling/therapy; signposting; support(e.g. informal help); training – Mon-Thurs: 9am-4pm; Fri-9am-6pm
Worth-it Projects – 13-24years – 0300 3233230 – Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm Fri 9am-4pm – Consultation for professionals; Counselling/Therapy; Signposting; Support(e.g. informal help); Training
ParentWise – A helping hand for parents and carers – As children get older and more independent, issues that affect them can be harder to spot and deal with. Parentwise can help highlighting potential dangers and giving you the knowledge and skills to act if there is a problem.
ChatHealth – an easy and quick way to talk to a school nurse in Derbyshire about anything that concerns you. Text 07507 327104.